
谢菲尔德大学景观学院拥有全英唯一独立的景观建筑学系 Department of Landscape Architecture,地点位于能俯瞰谢菲全貌的Arts Tower。

同时谢菲尔德大学也是英国老牌名校,英国六所“红砖“高等学府之一,另外还是罗素集团(The Russell Group)、欧洲大学工会(EUA)、联邦大学公会(ACU)、白玫瑰大学联盟(White Rose University Consortium)的成员。谢菲尔德是一所英国与世界领先的研究型与教学型大学,其景观专业在英国数一数二,规模相较全英同类专业中最大。下面,小编就为大家带来了25Fall谢菲尔德大学景观设计专业最新申请要求,希望对大家有所帮助:

谢菲尔德大学作为历史最悠久的景观名校之一,对学生的基础审核十分严格,同时在每届申请过程中也会有命题作品给出,24Fall的命题曾是以“City Walk”为主题进行手绘创作。那么今年又有什么独特的变化呢?让我们来看一看!MA Landscape Architecture两年制景观建筑

MA Landscape Architecture


· A3版式/最多12页/25MB大小/3个项目

· 前两页的内容要求如下:

第 1 页:由五个小故事组成,直观描述您在当前居住地的一次典型散步。每个小故事都应该用一句话来描述这段 “生活中的一天 “的旅程。这五个小故事应与一张勾勒出相关路线的地图相对应。(地图可以是手绘的,也可以由他人制作,如谷歌地图)。所有六个部分均采用 3 x 2 的隐形网格布局。

Page 1: A series of five vignettes visually describing a typical walk through the place where you currently live. Each vignette should have a one-sentence description of this ‘day-in-the-life’ journey. The five vignettes should be keyed to a map outlining the route in question. (map may be hand-drawn or produced by others, e.g. Google Maps). All six components are laid out using an invisible 3 x 2 grid.

第 2 页:对您目前居住地典型植被的一系列植物研究,包括植物在其环境中的原始手绘。如果知道植物名和/或俗名,请注明。该页可任意排版。

Page 2: A series of plant studies of vegetation typical to the place you currently live, including original hand drawings of plants in their context. Include botanical and/or common names if known. The page may be laid out however you choose.

MA Landscape Studies





Use the street where you live or equivalent close by (courtyard / urban square / outdoor communal space) to design a new place for people ( yourself, neighbours, local community) to meet which offers seasonal changes, taking into account the impact of climate change.

图纸要求:位置和环境:位置平面图和分析计划(表格 – 用途 – 用户 – 现有植被)

建议的更改(3D 图纸/截面/草图/图像前后)


Drawings required:

Location and Context:Location plan and analytical plans (Form – Uses – Users – existing vegetation)

Proposed changes (3D drawing/sections/sketches/before and after images)

Proposed new vegetation with annotations and sketches illustrating the seasonal changes.


首轮截止: 2024.11.17

次轮截止: 2025.01.12

末轮截止: 2025.02.16

