
春节 the Spring Festival除夕 Chinese New Year’s Eve阳历 solar calendar阴历 lunar calendar正月 the first month of the lunar year元宵节 the Lantern Festival春运 Spring Festival travel season; Chunyun period守岁 stay up for the New Year欢度…… the celebration of…; celebrate…

买年货 do Spring Festival shopping; buy necessity for Spring Festival

大扫除 thoroughly clean the house

驱厄运 sweep away ill fortune; get rid of bad luck

去除灾难 ward off evils

扫尘土 sweep the dust

剪窗花 do paper-cutting

贴春联 stick couplets

挂灯笼 hang lanterns

财神 the god of wealth

年夜饭 the dinner on New Year’s Eve包饺子 make dumplings年糕 rice cake春卷 spring rolls元宵 sweet dumplings拜年 New Year’s visit压岁钱 gift money; lucky money探亲访友 (pay a) visit (to) relatives and friends亲朋好友 relatives and friends发红包 give money in red envelopes; hand out red envelopes春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala祝福短信 blessing message转运 have a change of luck扭秧歌 do the Yangko Dance舞龙 dragon dance舞狮 lion dance祭祖 offer sacrifices to one’s ancestors祭祀 sacrifice (v.)烟花爆竹 fireworks and firecrackers庙会 temple fair民间艺人folk artist京剧 Peking Opera脸谱 facial makeup木偶戏 puppet show皮影戏 shadow play杂技 acrobatics相声 crosstalk说书 story-telling中国结 Chinese knot刺绣 embroidery剪纸 paper-cut 年画 New Year pictures灯笼/花灯 (festival) lantern灯谜 lantern riddle 民谣 folk song民间故事 folk tale传说 legend丰富多彩 be rich and colorful风俗习惯 custom禁忌 taboo倒数四天就要过年啦,祝大家猪年大吉,猪事顺利!

