
1. 对…产生消极影响have detrimental/negative effects/influence/impacts on

2. 对…有害 be harmful to

3. 对…有益 be beneficial to

4. 集中精力concentrate on/focus on

5. 培养各个领域人才cultivate competent personnel in different areas/fields

6. 越来越多的increasing numbers/amounts of

7. 丰富知识、拓展视野enrich knowledge and broaden/expand horizons

8. 深入洞察gain a deep insight into

9. 增加/减轻学业负担increase/lighten school burden

10. 学以致用put knowledge into practice

11. 理论联系实际integrate theory with practice

12. 社交/合作/沟通能力social/cooperation/communication skills

13. 判断能力judgement ability

14. 教育水平educational level

15. 系统学习systematic study

16. 综合/内在素质overall/inner quality

17. 艺术品味artistic taste

18. 在艰难困苦面前永不放弃never give up in front of hardships and setbacks

19. 学习负担 school burden/study load

20. 学习成绩 school performance, grades/marks/scores

21. 网络课程online courses/ Internet based courses

22. 身心健康physical and mental health

23. 随着生活水平的提高with enhanced living standards

24. 加班work overtime

25. 交通拥堵traffic congestion/jam

26. 缩小贫富差距narrow/bridge the gap between the rich and poor

27. 激烈的竞争intense competition

28. 释放压力/减少压力release pressure/reduce stress

29. 职业发展 career development

30. 磨炼专业技能sharpen professional skills

31. 巨大的生活压力great/heavy living pressure

32. 艰难困苦hardships and setbacks

33. 提高效率improve efficiency

34. 承担社会责任take social responsibility

35. 健康成长healthy growth

36. 保持健康keep fit/healthy

37. 自然资源浪费a waste of natural resources

38. 培养创造力develop creativity

39. 带来便利bring about convenience

40. 带来不便bring about inconvenience

41. 清洁能源clean energy

42. 人与自然和谐相处harmonious relationship between humans and nature

43. 适应社会adapt/adjust to the society

44. 热心的warm-hearted

45. 恶性循环vicious circle

46. 抓住机遇seize opportunities

47. 为某人树立良好榜样set a good example/role model for sb

48. 空气污染与全球变暖air pollution and global warming

49. 水污染water contamination

50. 汽车排放car emissions

51. 废水排放discharge of waste water

52. 导致 lead to, result in, contribute to, conduce to, cause

53. 重视 stress, value, attach emphasis to, place importance on, put…at first, set… on top agenda, put a premium on

54. 尽最大努力try one’s best, exert one’s utmost, make great efforts, put in a lot of effort doing, spare no pains in doing

55. 持续努力keep on striving, keep struggling, make constant endeavor

56. 共同努力make concerted efforts

57. 复杂的complex, complicated, intricate, sophisticated

58. 解决 solve, handle, resolve, address, tackle, deal with, cope with

59. 方法 way to do, method of doing, approach to doing

60. 有益的 useful, helpful, beneficial, rewarding, instrumental, conducive

61. 避免 prevent sb from doing, avoid doing

62. 游客visitors, tourists, travelers

63. 旅行 trip, journey, travel, touring, sightseeing

64. 可能做某事 be likely to do, be inclined to do, tend to

65. 同事 colleague, coworker, workmate

66. 取得巨大成功achieve great success, accomplish astounding achievement, achieve stunning accomplishment, get established

67. 帮助 assist sb in doing, aid sb in sth, with the help of

68. 能力skills, ability to do, capacity to do, capacity for doing, capability to do, competence in sth, aptitude for sth

69. 上瘾be obsessed with, be addicted to

70. 参加take park in, participate in, join, attend

71. 农村rural area, countryside

72. 环保environmental conservation/protection, environmentally friendly

73. 加快,促进发展 promote/accelerate/facilitate the development of

74. 随着生活节奏的加快 with the quickening pace/rhythm/tempo of modern life

75. 例如for example, for instance, as a case in point, as an illustration,

76. 因此so, therefore, thus, hence, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, as a result

77. 而不是 instead of, rather than

78. 总而言之 All in all, To sum up, In summary, In a word, Overall, In a nutshell

79. 知识渊博的knowledgeable

80. 先进技术advanced technology

81. 出国留学study abroad

82. 创业start your own business

83. 生活质量the quality of life, living standards

84. 陷入困境get into troubles

85. 在我看来from my perspective

86. 从长远来看from a long perspective, in the long run/term

87. 被激励、获得动力get motivated

88. 与时俱进keep pace with the times

89. 快节奏的fast-paced

90. 慢节奏的slow-paced

91. 满足你的好奇心satisfy your curiosity

92. 经济和科技发展economic and technological development

93. 健康生活方式healthy lifestyle

94. 破坏当地环境destroy/damage the local environment

95. 提前采取措施take measures in advance

96. 树立一个负责任的形象build an accountable image

97. 政府、管理当局government/authorities/administration

98. 增加/减少纳税人负担increase/lighten the burden on the tax-payers

99. 核心竞争力core competitiveness

100. 自然资源的过度消耗 over-consumption of natural resources
