
国籍:nationality,英[ˌnæʃəˈnælɪtɪ],美[ˌnæʃəˈnæləti]。例句:The crew are of different nationalities and have no common language.船员们来自不同国家,语言不通。

Asked his nationality, he said American.问到他的国籍,他说是美国人。All applicants will be considered regardless of age, sex, religion or nationality.所有申请者,不论其年龄、性别、宗教信仰及国籍,都可考虑。In each case, says the document, the pirates had full knowledge of the cargo, nationality and course of the vessel.文件说,在每个案例中,海盗对货物、国籍和船只航线都了如指掌。When I asked about this unusual word, she said that she used the first syllable from each nationality.当我问这一怪词时,她说她用了每个国家的第一个音节。The volunteers aim to help victims of disasters regardless of their race or nationality.志愿者的目的是帮助灾难受害者,不论他们的种族或国籍。
