

套细胞淋巴瘤(Mantle Cell Lymphoma, MCL)是一类罕见的侵袭性B细胞非霍奇金淋巴瘤(B-NHL),而t(11;14)易位及Cyclin D1表达上调是其特征性改变。目前该病的治疗仍主要基于免疫治疗与化疗的联合方案(如R-CHOP等)。近年来,随着新药的开发,以BTK抑制剂Ibrutinib为代表的靶向药物给MCL的治疗打开了新局面。【肿瘤资讯】特邀采访中山大学肿瘤防治中心的黄慧强教授、英国普利茅斯大学德里福德医院的Simon Rule教授以及韩国首尔三星医疗中心的Won Seog Kim教授就新药时代下套细胞淋巴瘤(MCL)的靶向治疗进行探讨。

黄慧强教授,主任医师 ,博士生导师




中国抗癌协会淋巴瘤专业委员会青年委员会 主委




Simon Rule血液学教授










Won Seog Kim教授








Mantle Cell Lymphoma(MCL) 套细胞淋巴瘤

immunochemotherapy 免疫化疗

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) 慢性淋巴细胞白血病

flow cytometric analysis:流氏细胞术


atrial fabrillation 房颤

diarrhea 腹泻





Difficulties in diagnosis and treatment of MCL

Prof. Huiqiang Huang:The incidence of Mantle Cell Lymphoma(MCL)is quite low all around the world. It accounts for 3% of NHL patients in China, but the incidence is rising year by year. Generally, MCL patients are typically male and elder, with a median age of onset of 50-60 years.


Currently, it’s not very difficult to make a diagnosis of MCL, the real challenge is treatment, especially treatment for elder MCL patients. With the aspect of treatment, immunochemotherapy is the most common regimen administered for MCL. However, its clinical effectiveness is not satisfactory for elder MCL patients and the vast majority of them will relapse later, the median overall survival of elder MCL patient is only 1-2 years. Another problem of immunochemotherapy is that the toxicity is frequent and severe. Therefore, more convenient, effective and safer regimen is urgently needed.


Prof. Simon Rule: Indeed, the diagnosis of MCL is not difficult nowadays. If you go back to 10-15 years ago, the diagnosis of MCL may not be so reliable. But now, we are quite confident in the diagnosis of MCL, particularly with the application of CyclinD1 staining. However, it’s notable that we should avoid missed diagnosis when MCL patients present like Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) or Lymphocytosis, which can be diagnosed correctly with flow cytometric analysis.

Simon Rule教授:确实,套细胞淋巴瘤(MCL)的诊断并不困难。在10-15年前,MCL可能缺乏可靠的诊断方法。但现在,我们对于MCL的诊断是极为自信的,尤其是CyclinD1免疫组化的应用。值得注意的是,部分表现为慢性淋巴细胞白血病或淋巴细胞增多的MCL患者应避免漏诊,流式细胞检测可以帮助正确诊断。

With the aspect of treatment, MCL remains incurable condition apart from ASCT. However, patients still facing an ongoing relapsing condition, which is tough to manage. As for elder MCL patients who are intolerant of intensive chemotherapy, novel drugs have a big deal with their treatment.



Advances in targeted therapy of MCL and its clinical benefits

Prof. Won Seog Kim: Recent years, based on the bioscience knowledge we are developing more and more new compounds, among which BTK inhibitor Ibrutinib made a very good success. Another two important compounds are anti-apoptotic drug Venetoclax and immunomodulator Lenalidomide. With these new compounds we can expect longer survival of patients and avoid toxicity of chemotherapy, which means longer and improved quality of life for patients. Especially, Ibrutinib is an oral drug that patients can have it everyday, which improves their quality of life much more and monthly blood test is no longer necessary. The patients can live longer with better life quality.

Won Seog Kim教授:近年来,MCL领域的新药不断涌现,BTK抑制剂伊布替尼是其中非常成功的一种药物,此外还有抗凋亡药物Venetoclax和免疫调节剂来那度胺。这些新药显著延长了MCL患者的生存期,同时提升了患者的生活质量。其中,伊布替尼具有口服的便利性,对患者生活质量的提高尤为显著:患者可以每日服用,无需每月来医院治疗和进行血常规化验。患者可以活得更长且生活质量更高。

Prof. Simon Rule: I agree with that, these new drugs are much more valuable for elder patients. We tend to treat elder patients with chemotherapy that do not work well but comes along with side effects. These new drugs have the potential to change that. In UK, we are carrying out a randomized clinical trial, which compares the efficacy of Ibrutinib+ Rituximab as first-line treatment for elder patients against chemotherapy. Hopefully, this triall will show that these new drugs are better than chemotherapy. Even if the efficacy shows no difference, we are confident that these new drugs will be better in side effects. I think we are in a whole new era of treatment for MCL patients.

Simon Rule教授:我赞同Kim教授的观点。新药对于老年患者尤为重要。过去我们用化疗治疗老年患者效果欠佳且毒副作用明显。新药的应用将会改变这一情况。在英国,我们正进行一项随机临床试验,旨在比较伊布替尼+利妥昔单抗对比化疗作为MCL患者一线治疗的疗效差异。我们希望伊布替尼较之化疗能显示出更佳的疗效。当然,即便其疗效相似,我们相信新药在副反应方面是有显著优势的。我们处在一个全新的疾病治疗时代。


Timing of using Ibrutinib

Prof. Simon Rule:It is becoming increasingly clear that Ibrutinib is an exceptional new drug: at least 70% MCL patients response to it, it is oral and with very few side effects.

Simon Rule教授:随着伊布替尼在MCL患者中得到广泛应用,我们越来越认识到它的卓越之处:超过70%的MCL患者对伊布替尼有反应,具有口服便利性,不良反应轻微。

The earlier, the better

As we got more experience of using it, we started to realize that the best benefits come from using it at earlier stage. So we published some data late last year, looking at elder MCL patients that have been in Ibrutinib clinical trials about the benefits based on when they were treated. It is quite clear that the earlier patients start using Ibrutinib the better outcomes they get. If MCL patients use Ibrutinib at first relapse, the duration of response (DOR) is 3 times longer than use Ibrutinib later and three-year PFS also enhanced. So we should use Ibrutinib early. Another advantage of early use is when relapsing happens, it will be easier to retreat the patient than late use.


About first line use

So if it is better the earlier patients use Ibrutinib, then obviously, the following question should be whether it is better to use Ibrutinib as first-line treatment. A triall is going on in the UK right now, using Ibrutinib at first line compare to chemotherapy among elder patients who are not transplantable. It is an important study and 400 patients will be enrolled within years.



Experience sharing about side effects management of Ibrutinib

As top expert worldwide who participated in phase II/ III clinical trials of Ibrutinib( MCL) and is very experienced in side effect management about using Ibrutinib, professor Simon shared the side effect managenent experience thoroughly, which is a must-see and quite useful for clinical practice.Here it comes:


Prof. Simon Rule: I have been using Ibrutinib for like seven years( including clinical trials). Another thing we know now is the longer the patients use Ibrutinib the fewer side effects they get. Side effects happen at early stage and there are very few side effects, which means Ibrutinib is a safe drug. I have never stopped using Ibrutinib because of toxicity.

Simon Rule教授:我们的另外一个经验所得是:随着伊布替尼使用时间的延长,副反应会越来越少。伊布替尼副反应较少,大多发生在用药初期。其安全性是很好的。在我使用伊布替尼的临床经验中,从未因毒性反应而停药。

About bruise and bleeding

One thing people worry about is bruise and bleeding. About 50% patients will get bruises and there are often small bruises on the back of hands. So you should just tell the patients it is lucky to have it. If the patients are aware that things happen, then they are not worried when it does happen. It is similar to get bruises when elders using aspirin. However, bruise will translate into bleeding if patients do operations, so remember to stop the drug before any kind of operations.


About atrial fibrillation

The other thing people worry about is atrial fibrillation, which occurs 6-8 percent. Again, I don’t stop Ibrutinib when atrial fibrillation happens. Just get AF in control and use anticoagulation. It is fine to use anticoagulation plus Ibrutinib.(This refers to the New Oral Anticoagulant Combination (NOAC), such as Rivaroxaban and Apperoxaban.)


About Diarrhea

Also, some people may worry about diarrhea problem. Diarrhea problem may happen when stop using the drug, but it will go away a couple of weeks. It is reported in some country that diarrhea occurs to patients and evanished by reducing the dose. In my opinion, diarrhea will go away any way, so there is no need to stop Ibrutinib.



Chinese experience of using Ibrutinib

Prof. Huiqiang Huang: Ibrutinib was approved in China last year. Actually, we have involved in global clinical trials of Ibrutinib for several years; therefore, we have our own clinical experience about it. We found that immunotherapy plus Ibrutinib didn’t increase toxicity for newly diagnosed MCL, the safety of Ibrutinib is quite excellent and reliable.


After approval, we treat relapsed and refractory MCL with Ibrutinib single agent and no serious adverse events ever happened in MCL patients. What’s more, Ibrutinib shows effectiveness to MCL patients who are resistant to anti CD20 antibody, immunochemotherapy, Lenalidomide and so on. Also Ibrutinib is fast onset.


We used to accept a 70-year-old female MCL patient who had received four line therapies and not suitable for transplantation. However, when treated with Ibrutinib for one month, the tumor shrank dramatically, and then complete remission (CR) was achieved after two month. It is a very impressive case.All in all, Ibrutinib is a very good choice for RR-MCL treatment. Hopefully, it will benefit more Chinese patients.



(1)In Prof. Simon’s opinion, how to get the best benifits from using Ibrutinib?

(2)Please describe the advantages of noval drugs in one sentence.

(3)As for side effects management, what is Prof. Simon’s key point?



